Judy K. Olin
May 23, 1953 - Jan 20, 2015
Judy K. Olin passed away on Tues., Jan. 20th after a long fight with ovarian cancer She was 61. Judy was born in grand Rapids Mn. and moved to California in 1977, earning an MFA from UC Davis. After teaching art at the high school level, Judy pursued a decades long career as a circuit-board designer. This led her eventually to an award-winning career as a landscape designer/horticulturist,becoming highly respected by her peers in the industry. Her passion for art was broad an included interests in photography, ceramics and abstract painting. She also curated an online contemporary art magazine. Most recently,she published a children's book with her sister Ruth. Judy is survived by her husband George "Sam" Gulbrandson, son Erik Tervo, twin sister Ruth, sister Jan and brothers Mark and Robert. Donations may be made to the Judy Olin Memorial Fund, 201 Napa St. suite#33, Sonoma Ca., 95476. A portion of this fund will go to a scholarship at the SRJC Landscape Design Program.